mission statement

We provide a safe, neutral, supportive place for kids to hang out and have fun with other kids going through a divorce. By hearing others’ stories, kids know they’re not alone and it’s all going to be ok.

ways to help

• Become a leader.
• Suggest a town meeting event idea.
• Coordinate a town meeting.
• Start a middletown chapter in your city.
• Share your divorce story with the citizens.
• Sponsor a middletown event.

town meetings

We meet in a neutral place… maybe a coffee shop or a park or at school. Come hungry. Contact us for the next rendezvous point.
Suggested donation is $10.  If you can’t afford it, don’t worry about it.


When parents separate, sometimes crazy things happen. It can get sooooo crazy. But that’s actually pretty normal. It’s just regular crazy. No one has to share. You can just listen if you want.

We say “I know what you mean”… and we really do. We laugh and cry because being sad together makes us happy. We learn from each other’s stories.

the town

The middletown is a safe, neutral, supportive place to be with fellow citizens. We all meet once a week to eat for free and listen to divorce stories. Most people involved in a divorce have a hard time remaining neutral… we don’t. That’s what we do. You’re safe here.

the future

Citizens have bright futures ahead of them. We know from experience that divorces get better. Seriously. You’ll meet others who survived their parents’ separation… and guess what? They’re all doing fine. You will too.